Monday, October 14, 2024

What is monopoly capitalism"?

Monopoly capitalism monopolizes all wealth. 

It bogarts the air, the land, and the water. 

It bogarts our labor and the things we produce. 

It bogarts our food. 

It bogarts our creativity.

Monopoly capital steals from us. 

It steals our kinship and turns us against one another. 

It even steals our kinship with the Earth that nourishes us.

Monopoly capitalism is a parasite that is killing its host.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

על חטא

For the sin we have sinned before you by murdering our neighbors
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by applauding those murders
For the sin we have sinned before you by bombing their homes
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by denying them food
For the sin we have sinned before you by denying that these are sins
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by blaming the victims themselves
For the sin we have sinned before you by stealing their land
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by insisting that it is ours
For the sin we have sinned before you by saying that these crimes are your will
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by saying they are essential to our survival
For the sin we have sinned before you by worshipping weapons 
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by worshipping our own victimhood
For the sin we have sinned before you by denying the humanity of our neighbors
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by abandoning our own humanity
For the sin we have sinned before you by rejecting your law
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by pretending to observe your law
For the sin we have sinned before you by asking forgiveness without ever repenting
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by asking forgiveness while continuing our crimes
For the sin we have sinned before you by our false confessions
   And for the sin we have sinned before you by failure to make reparation

“When you lift up your hands I will withhold mercy from you
Though your pray at length I will not listen
Because your hands are covered in blood.” Isaiah 1:15