Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Snowy Day

It was just starting to snow when we went out this morning shortly after sunrise.  Yes, the sun did rise.  It disappeared into the clouds moments later but I really did see it.  It was in the mid twenties and dry, so I was optimistic about a nice walk with plenty of Prophet's little homies to keep him company.  I forgot that when the weather report warns about six inches of snow, people have to prepare for Zombie Apocalypse.

No.  I did not go to the store to see the Bottled Water Battles or the customers stripping the shelves of ammunition.  All I had to see was my fellow dog walkers rushed to get through what may be the best time of the day.  Today they had places to go and things to do before battening down the hatches and barring their relatives at the door.

We had a good time anyway.  Prophet has been begging to go into a little valley that is almost totally blocked by downed trees and their branches.  One trunk was easily five feet high and I had to hoist myself over.  He whined for a second, but by the time I looked over he had found a way to leap up on it and was already jumping off the other side.

He met a new yellow Lab who really interested him for a few minutes until Prophet realized this guy was going to stay ON THE TRAIL instead of clambering down into his favorite marsh and crashing through the newly re-formed ice.  Then is was "See Ya!"  There was a quick hello for the dogs who were being brought back home and then a tug-of-war on a stick with me, instead.

When Prophet was a little pup I worried that the red-tailed hawks might consider him a possible meal.  Now they want no part of a 90 pound dog.  They don't stay nearby, even fifty feet up in a tree.  They take a look and then find a different place to perch.

Its sixteen degrees now and the snow is falling steadily.  I am sitting indoors and writing this post.  But I am looking forward to going back out and making fresh tracks.

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